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  • Hidayah Ainul Hudd Amira Sania /Amelia
    Neni Angy Wardah Farisi Rewind ;
    September 2008; October 2008;

    Sunday, October 19, 2008 -{'9:53 PM
    hello my blogg! darh lamerh siols taq post .!
    on fridae night , me and my kuzin all ryte,but my parents
    and my syster taq ikot. onli me go genting without my own blood family! its lyke WTF .kinda miss my mother,father and syster.
    darh smpai genting,kyterorg mcm jakon siall! smpai jerh,maen rides.
    kyterorg maen viking ship,pirate train,boat many larq. tapi part yg sedih turh, darh happie2 q naq nayek roller coaster,skali ujan!
    ceebyee larqs!! tros kyter stop,kyter g cekek(makan),den go KL.ako share bilek nan makcik ako.makcik ako,anak dhr nan ako jerh. taq selesa siakk hotel dhr!naq mand,diri atas bathtub.eee!! tap katil dhr sedap! lenyak siols ako tdo!! wEeEeE!den tyme naq baleq, ako
    mcm taq sabar naq umperh family ako.dlm bus, ako nan kuzins ako yg umor 16 n above turh , tdo dlm bus mcm turh bus kyterorg nyerh.
    haah! beh stu pmpan nihh stare2 ako.pker dhr pkai jade ako takot pah! haah! byler darh smpai depan pintu rumah ako,bpk ako bukak pintu , ako masok,ako pelok makbpk ako.kakak ako keje uhqs. baleq kol 1 pagi.ako tunggu kakak ako baleq tap dhr lmbt sngt,ako tdo.haah! kae uhs. dats all ! bubye !

    Sunday, October 19, 2008 -{'9:53 PM
    hello my blogg! darh lamerh siols taq post .!
    on fridae night , me and my kuzin all ryte,but my parents
    and my syster taq ikot. onli me go genting without my own blood family! its lyke WTF .kinda miss my mother,father and syster.
    darh smpai genting,kyterorg mcm jakon siall! smpai jerh,maen rides.
    kyterorg maen viking ship,pirate train,boat many larq. tapi part yg sedih turh, darh happie2 q naq nayek roller coaster,skali ujan!
    ceebyee larqs!! tros kyter stop,kyter g cekek(makan),den go KL.ako share bilek nan makcik ako.makcik ako,anak dhr nan ako jerh. taq selesa siakk hotel dhr!naq mand,diri atas bathtub.eee!! tap katil dhr sedap! lenyak siols ako tdo!! wEeEeE!den tyme naq baleq, ako
    mcm taq sabar naq umperh family ako.dlm bus, ako nan kuzins ako yg umor 16 n above turh , tdo dlm bus mcm turh bus kyterorg nyerh.
    haah! beh stu pmpan nihh stare2 ako.pker dhr pkai jade ako takot pah! haah! byler darh smpai depan pintu rumah ako,bpk ako bukak pintu , ako masok,ako pelok makbpk ako.kakak ako keje uhqs. baleq kol 1 pagi.ako tunggu kakak ako baleq tap dhr lmbt sngt,ako tdo.haah! kae uhs. dats all ! bubye !
    Hate me , click here . (:
    person LOVE me .
    xo. xo. xo.

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    Sunday, October 19, 2008

    hello my blogg! darh lamerh siols taq post .!
    on fridae night , me and my kuzin all ryte,but my parents
    and my syster taq ikot. onli me go genting without my own blood family! its lyke WTF .kinda miss my mother,father and syster.
    darh smpai genting,kyterorg mcm jakon siall! smpai jerh,maen rides.
    kyterorg maen viking ship,pirate train,boat many larq. tapi part yg sedih turh, darh happie2 q naq nayek roller coaster,skali ujan!
    ceebyee larqs!! tros kyter stop,kyter g cekek(makan),den go KL.ako share bilek nan makcik ako.makcik ako,anak dhr nan ako jerh. taq selesa siakk hotel dhr!naq mand,diri atas bathtub.eee!! tap katil dhr sedap! lenyak siols ako tdo!! wEeEeE!den tyme naq baleq, ako
    mcm taq sabar naq umperh family ako.dlm bus, ako nan kuzins ako yg umor 16 n above turh , tdo dlm bus mcm turh bus kyterorg nyerh.
    haah! beh stu pmpan nihh stare2 ako.pker dhr pkai jade ako takot pah! haah! byler darh smpai depan pintu rumah ako,bpk ako bukak pintu , ako masok,ako pelok makbpk ako.kakak ako keje uhqs. baleq kol 1 pagi.ako tunggu kakak ako baleq tap dhr lmbt sngt,ako tdo.haah! kae uhs. dats all ! bubye !

    what we could have been, 9:53 PM.


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